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Posts published in August 2021

Cooking to slash monthly food bill

I bought this book so that I can start cooking in hopes of reducing my monthly food bill. I’ve bought several cookbooks in the past…

Feeling Optimistic

Feeling optimistic about being able to tackle my finances over the next month. August was a car crash but I’m going to ensure I learn…

I am going to buy a house

Over the past few days I’ve been thinking more and more about buying my own place. There are a lot of factors involved in terms…

More Conscious Spending

I’m hoping writing about money more often will make me more conscious of how I actually use money. I mentioned to someone the other day that my total expenses for the month was about £4,500. They were aghast. I was surprised myself but not aghast. Maybe this has become too normal for me. They said they could easily live on a £1,000 per month. It got me thinking—why do I spend so much money?

Financial Satisfaction vs Job Satisfaction

The decision of which job to take is a financial one.

I need to start thinking about my options in those terms. Although other factors – such as wellbeing, job satisfaction etc – also matter, the financial factor weighs heavily in the decision-making process.

“Will this job enable me to reach the financial goals I have?” is a question that I have to ask.

What are my financial goals? That is something that I have yet to define and articulate.

Net Worth – July 2021

Inspired by the net worth posts by The Saving Journey, I’m going to start posting my net worth every month. Reading the journey looks like her net worth went from £80k in October 2017 to £278k in May 2020. An increase of almost £200k in two and a half years! Impressive stuff and definitely motivation to start tracking net worth and seeing the money moves that can be made to get mine into a healthier position.

The Worst Month of the Year

August is shaping up to be the worst money month of the 2021/22 fiscal year for me so far. My total expenditure as of 27 August is


A staggering £800 over budget.

Theory of Constraints

At the moment, if i want something, I just buy it. There is no reference to a budget; no saving for things and no deference…

August Blows Up

So August has been blown up. I have spent £2327 so far and there are seven days left in the month. My budget was £1650.…