It’s never straightforward is it.
Just when you think you’ve got your spending on lock, here comes something right out of left field to remind you that no matter how well you plan, life always has other plans.
I had a minor road incident today which means I have to replace my car wing mirror and front bumper tow eye cover. You wouldn’t think those are big repairs but it’s looking like it’ll total around the £450 mark.
Needless to say, this was not part of the plan this month.

I immediately employed the last big chunk of my Emergency Fund to meet this expense in order to minimise the damage. My budget now reflects this update.
My total budget for the month now comes to £2,197.81 as opposed to the original £1,850.
There have also been some regular expenses that came out today so altogether thanks to the Emergency Fund, I’ve been able to weather the storm a little bit.
It’s not over quite yet though, I have to order another part tomorrow and the labour costs will only be totalled on Friday so my budget is still very much in flux.
My hopes of having a low expenditure month is pretty much out the window – just because of this one incident – but I’m trying to still use my tracker to ensure I don’t completely blow my daily expenses. Maintaining control when things don’t go as planned is important.
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