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Posts tagged as “Expenses”

Spending Performance: 9 September 2021

There has been a spending increase of £52 since yesterday. This was during two separate trips to Sainsburys. £30-something on food and the rest on…

Spending Performance: 8 September 2021

One thing I’ve started doing is tracking my expenses week by week to give me early insight into whether i’m overspending. I have an overall…

Cooking to slash monthly food bill

I bought this book so that I can start cooking in hopes of reducing my monthly food bill. I’ve bought several cookbooks in the past…

More Conscious Spending

I’m hoping writing about money more often will make me more conscious of how I actually use money. I mentioned to someone the other day that my total expenses for the month was about £4,500. They were aghast. I was surprised myself but not aghast. Maybe this has become too normal for me. They said they could easily live on a £1,000 per month. It got me thinking—why do I spend so much money?