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Posts tagged as “Funding”

Stick to the Script

This is going to be my budget theme for January 2022: Stick to the Script. Oftentimes I find that I prepare a budget at the…

Budget: November 2021

Well after a tumultuous October, I’m glad to welcome November to the books. Let’s walk through the figures. November 2021 Budget Income I’m allowing myself…

Breaking Budget

I don’t have the wherewithal to face my budget this evening. I know i’ve just smashed it by buying a couple of things I’ve wanted…

Budget: October 2021

Happy October! September was wonderful from a financial perspective. I had a budget of £1,880.75 and managed to sneak in under at £1,880.31. It’s a…

Budget: September 2021

I realised yesterday that I hadn’t quite got my budget right for the month. Here’s a more accurate breakdown: – So rather than the £2,214…

Spending Performance: 14 September 2021

Today, as anticipated, we remain on £1,233.10 spent so far this month. I didn’t spend anything today so made up some ground on today’s target.…

Spending Performance: 8 September 2021

One thing I’ve started doing is tracking my expenses week by week to give me early insight into whether i’m overspending. I have an overall…

The Worst Month of the Year

August is shaping up to be the worst money month of the 2021/22 fiscal year for me so far. My total expenditure as of 27 August is


A staggering £800 over budget.

Theory of Constraints

At the moment, if i want something, I just buy it. There is no reference to a budget; no saving for things and no deference…

August Blows Up

So August has been blown up. I have spent £2327 so far and there are seven days left in the month. My budget was £1650.…