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OX2 Offer Rejected.

I made an offer on another house and it was declined. It was a good house. I did have some reservations about the area as it lacked amenities and train station as close as I would like. The total journey time by train into London is about 1.5 hours. So although it was not perfect, I think I would have grown to not be bothered about those things at all. As a result, I’m quite gutted to have had that offer rejected.

There were three properties before this one that I had put offers in on but it was me that pulled out of all three. To have an offer rejected on a house you really want however is really disappointing.

It’s back to the drawing board for me. I will be back on Rightmove searching searching searching. But i’ll probably take it a bit slower given it’s December and nothing really comes on the market in December. Apparently March is when the housing market becomes busy again so maybe I should hold out till then.

There is another property which is still on my radar. I’m going to start considering it again but I know that the general area and street that it was on — I did not like at all.

This issue with the cap on the value of property you can buy with the Lifetime ISA is a real pain in the butt. Why on earth the government would put in such a cap and not review it is beyond me. But these people don’t care do they. Doing anything to help people who they see as being capable of affording a home isn’t on their priority at all, they would rather screw them over.