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Posts published in June 2023

Patiently waiting for payday

This is the most skint I’ve been at this point in the month for a while. £200 odd left for the month. Whilst that might…

Cancelling subscriptions

Everything is a subscription nowadays. They are little (some not so little) expenses that together add up to be a lot. £5 here, £10 there…

Not a happy bunny

I am pissed. I was doing so well with my budget this month. Then a relative goes and blows it out the water. I hate…

June 2023 – Off to a good start

Well it’s very early days in June. The time is drawing nearer and nearer for me to get the ball rolling on a mortgage and…

Welcome to June 2023.

Welcome June 2023. I’m just doing my budget and oh my! It is going going to be a tight ass month! I’m quaking in my…