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Posts published in May 2023

Last day

So I’m going to have to dig a little bit into the money I’ve saved for future expenses but overall, I’m still very happy with…

Commuting to work

I’ve found this month that driving to work is much cheaper than taking the train. With the train pass, there are odd days where I…

Fixing torn jeans.

Two of my jeans have developed holes in the crotch. I think I’ve had them about 4 years–which is not very long for jeans that…

May 2023 – Still going strong

Still going strong on the budget so far. This is turning out to be one of the best money months for me in a very…

Sunday 21 May 2023

Again I managed to do okay today. I’m all reconciled and not too worried at this point about how I close out the month. I…

May 2023: Week 3 – Still going strong

I’m very pleased with how I’ve managed my budget so far this month. My budget for ordinary expenses was £1,600 and I’m £1,375 in after…

Lucidchart cancelled.

I cancelled my Lucidchart subscription today. I literally haven’t used it once in the past month. Yes it’s a useful tool every now and again…

May 2023 – Week 2

Today I realised that I hurt my chances of having £45k by July 2023 by simply spending too much on going out with friends. I…

Back to YNAB

Today is the 1st of May. There’s always a good feeling at the start of the month. An opportunity to learn from mistakes and to…