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Spending Performance: Week Ending 12 September 2021

Here we are at the end of week 2, so far so good. On the chart below, we are at 12 September 2021.

Spending Performance – Week Ending 12 September 2021

I’m flying just under budget having spent £1,097.11 out of an allocated £1,153.50 for this point of the month. That is a surplus of £56.39 which whilst not huge, is better than being in the negative right now. There is still a long way to go in the month. 12 spending days are gone; 18 (3 weeks) remain. A lot can go wrong in that time but every week that I manage to stay under budget is a win. I want to continue to be careful and vigilant about where and how I’m spending money, learning from my experience everyday to make better decisions about my money.

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