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Paper Smart

Spending Performance: 11 September 2021

We close today at £1,040 spent so far this month. That’s coming at £40 under expected spend today so good result. Ideally I want fly…

Establishing Asset and Liability Accounts

Here are some further thoughts about how I want to manage my money going forward. Whenever I get new money (salary or whatever) I will…

Spending Performance: 10 September 2021

We’re up to £1006.00 spent this month. £156 below the budgeted limit with 2 days to go in the week. The last two expenses were…

Spending Performance: 9 September 2021

There has been a spending increase of £52 since yesterday. This was during two separate trips to Sainsburys. £30-something on food and the rest on…

Spending Performance: 8 September 2021

One thing I’ve started doing is tracking my expenses week by week to give me early insight into whether i’m overspending. I have an overall…

Committed to the process

As I’ve mentioned here before, I’m not naturally frugal. I’m a big spender. I like quality things so tend to pay above average prices for…

Performance and Forecast: Aug-Sep 2021

I had an appalling month last month. Contrary to what I initially thought though, it wasn’t the worst month of year so far—that unwanted prize…

Net Worth – August 2021

You know what time it is—it’s net worth time. Let’s take a moment to reflect on the month. August was a disappointing month for me…

Buying a house is so expensive

Buying a house is so fricking expensive. I just found that to buy a £425,000 house as a first time buyer, I’d have to pay…